I am creative
I know that I am unique.
I have incredible talents and gifts that I can share with the world. I have a wealth of knowledge and unique, wonderful skills.
My voice deserves to be heard, and I celebrate my talents.
I am the only one who can turn my goals and dreams into a reality. I choose the life I live, and by working hard I can make myself happy.
I deserve to share my talents and am grateful I have the freedom to be an individual.
I know I have a unique brain and am valid and important.
I am determined and resilient. I am passionate about everything I create, and I share my ideas with others.
I have a wealth of emotional support around me. I feel incredibly fortunate to be part of such a loving community. I am excited about the creative ideas I am working on and I know everyone around me wants me to succeed.
I inspire others with my creativity, attention to detail, and enthusiasm.
I write my own story. I work hard. I deserve to be successful. Others are interested in my life and the creative pieces I share with the world.
Today, I recognize that I am creative. I have unique and exciting talents to share with the world.
Self-Reflection Questions:
- Am I being creative and pursuing my passions?
- Am I reaching out to others for support, advice, and guidance?
- Am I making my dreams into reality?