I enjoy my own company
I am comfortable being by myself. Alone time offers me the chance to reflect on my life, read, or pursue other hobbies that interest me. I enjoy the time I spend by myself.
I am rarely lonely. Solitude can be a glorious thing. It is the easiest time to truly be myself. I have more freedom when I am alone.
Those that dislike solitude can never be free.
My creative juices are stimulated when I am left to my own company. My best ideas come to me while alone. My mental faculties are at full strength when I spend time by myself.
I have many interests to keep me busy. The time I spend alone is some of the most enjoyable time I have. My hobbies are important to me, and I welcome any opportunity to give them my full attention.
My appreciation for solitude grows as I mature.
While I enjoy spending time alone, I also require the company of others. I am able to find a beneficial balance of time spent alone and time spent with others. This balance is unique to me. I have a healthy social life.
Today, I cherish the time I have to myself. I appreciate the presence of others, but appreciate my alone-time, too. I enjoy my own company.
Self-Reflection Questions:
- How much time do I spend alone? Would I prefer more or less time by myself?
- How do I use my solitude? What can I do to make my time alone more beneficial to me?
- What do I gain from time spent alone?