Life is full of opportunities

Opportunity peeks around every corner of my life - and I am always on hand to receive it with glee and excitement.

I see that there are times when life feels routine, dull, and gray, but if I open my eyes and look closer, I will see a new opportunity just waiting to be noticed.

Obstacles and challenges are simply opportunities dressed up in disguise.

I choose to change how I see the world; rather than a tricky, difficult mountain to climb, or a seemingly impenetrable obstacle to overcome, I see a puzzle waiting to be solved.

If I can persevere and chip away at this puzzle, I will be greeted with the answer - and this is likely to be a new opportunity to learn, grow and evolve.

The challenge is an opportunity.

I am always looking for new ways to learn, grow and evolve - curiosity is my natural state. Where I cannot spot an immediate opportunity, I take the time to create my own.

I actively seek out adventure in all that I do.

I am in motion, constantly seeking possibilities and putting my potential into good work. Movement and learning are my natural states of being.

Today, I feel excitement at the opportunities all around me. I may have previously overlooked them, but now my eyes are open.

Self-Reflection Questions:

  1. Do I make the most of the opportunities that come my way?
  2. What would my perfect life look like?
  3. Do I hold myself back from exploring new opportunities? Why might this be?