Life is too short to be anything other than happy.

Life is too precious to live unfulfilled.

I have only one opportunity to experience life. My experiences shape me, so I focus on the present moment.

I live my purpose. I work toward my goals, and I value every day as unique.

Today is wonderful and a gift; that is why it is called the present.

I enjoy the beauty around me and feel gratitude for all I have.

I wake up every day with another chance to experience life to the fullest.

I am grateful that I am alive. Life is too precious to waste, and I let go of unhappiness. I fill my life with joy and happiness.

I practice gratitude for the wonders of life I experience, the places I go, and, most importantly, my friends and family. They are my most outstanding teachers.

I am proud of my choices and how much growth I am capable of. I am excited about what is next ahead of me.

I live in the present and am happy. I let go of any bitterness or resentment in the past. I allow myself to be open to opportunities, take risks, and explore my dreams.

Today, I celebrate my life and my good fortune. I laugh and cry freely, and I express myself fully. I find ways to give back and help others. I choose to live with an open heart in the here and now.

Self-Reflection Questions:

  1. If I knew it might be my last day on earth, how would I spend it?
  2. Do I practice living in the present?
  3. How does my intuition guide me to new opportunities, and what makes me say "yes"?