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87 Posts
4 min read

How ChatGPT scaled their business

ChatGPT was founded in 2014 by four friends who were fresh out of college and looking for a way to make money online. They started a chatbot service that allowed people to use artificial intelligence to talk to real people. The business quickly took off, and they soon had thousands

9 min read

What the Superbowl can teach us about business

The Superbowl is one of the biggest events in American culture. Every year, millions of people tune in to watch the game, the commercials, and the halftime show. But what if we looked at the Superbowl not just as a entertainment event, but as a business lesson? What can this

5 min read

Three Simple Ways To Add An Hour To Your Day

Of all the resources in the world, it can be argued that time is the most precious of all. It’s the one thing we wish we had more of, strive to make the most of, and place above most other priorities. How many times have you uttered something like:

2 min read

Decision Fatigue: What It Is and How to Avoid It

Each decision you make reduces your ability to make good decisions. It can quickly reach the point that you’ll actually avoid making decisions once a certain threshold is reached. There are only so many good decisions you can make each day. Decision fatigue also leads to impulse spending. Self-regulation